Monday, October 27, 2008

Do You Hear It?

Well, can you? The wind rustles through the leaves as the weather slowly changes on us, and that sound in the distance can only be one thing. It's a sound known well by the Nelson family, especially during this time of year. As part of the season as pumpkins, costumes, and Thanksgiving dinners. That sound? That sound you hear? It's getting closer! It's getting clearer! I hear cheers! I hear squeeking! I smell.....I smell popcorn! It must be basketball season! GOOD LUCK AS THE SEASON GETS UNDER WAY!

  • Good luck to the Lady Warriors of Calumet!
  • Good luck to the Lady Wildcats of Hanover!
  • Good luck to the Warriors of Calumet! (We're gonna need it!) :)

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