Saturday, June 14, 2008


For my birthday on June 10th I was thoroughly spoiled by my family. I received happy birthday hugs from the kids, a three person swing from Kari to go along with Season 1 of the TV show Heroes. It's a neat show that follows a group of people that through evolution have special powers. I've seen before where people were asked what one superpower they would assume if they could just chose one. When I was a young pup I think I would've said super strength or the ability to fly, but now I would say that I'd like the power to heal people. How neat would that be, to walk into a hospital and go room by room changing lives? I would definitely hunt this little cutie down and give him and hand. His story is way too real to me:

We are close to wrapping up our first soccer season! I really think it's been good for the kids to be a part of a team. The family that coaches them have been pretty nice to the kids, it's been fun to step back and be a spectator for a while.

It's also fun as Maverik and Jaecy grow older and watch them become friends. They like to pick on each other from time to time, but at home there are some very sweet moments where they really look out for each other and Jayden.

June 23rd is coming up quick! Why is that date important? On June 23, 2001 Kari Lynn Wiseman and Dustin Russell Nelson were married at the Valparaiso University Chapel. That was a neat day that I remember well. It's just the night before that I have trouble with.....

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