Friday, May 30, 2008

From the Mouths of Babes

This evening I thought I'd let the kids say whatever they wanted on the computer. Maverik went as far to type his own name after each of his statements. Jaecy didn't type, but she was very sure of the messages that she wanted to give to everyone. After a while they got bored of my little project, but it was fun hearing what they wanted to say!

Grandma I love you! MAVERIK

Grandma loves helping me fix the 64 video games! MAVERIK

Grandma loves helping me make a drink! MAVERIK

Grandma loves helping me play computers! MAVERIK

GRANDMA LOVES HELPING ME MAKE ADVENTURES! MAVERIK (Mav typed this whole thing, I just helped with the spelling)

Grandma loves helping me figure out what to do! MAVERIK

Hannah, I'm on the computer! JAECY

Alyssa, Travis, Maverik, Jayden, Mommy, Daddy, Jaecy, Shooter

Grandpa Merel - Grandpa loves me alot! JAECY

Grandma Kathy - I love her so really much! JAECY

Grandma Debbie - I love her so much in the world! JAECY

Grandpa Terry - I love him so in the world much! JAECY

Grandpa Steve - I really, really love him in the much! JAECY

Grandma Abbey - I really, really love her so much! JAECY

Kale - I really, really love him! JAECY

Daddy, I think that's all! Jaecy

'Nuff said!

Tomorrow I'm running in a 3.1 mile run with Mike Villanueva and Bryon Clouse. We signed up for the race recently, although we've decided on doing a few of them this summer. My goal is simply to run the whole race without stopping, it won't be easy with the chest cold I've been battling for the past week. As Jaecy would say, "I've got the heart of a champion!" (use your imagination to see her singing it!) :0

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