Wednesday, May 21, 2008

It's A Wrap!

As of today I'm looking at 10 days until the school year is completed! I'm a bit envious, Maverik has Friday off from school and I don't! I really can't complain though, because I have Monday off to enjoy!
We have a lot of stuff going on as we head into the summer! I am already beginning to plan for this years edition of the Porter County Fair. Last year went so smooth I can't help but be a little nervous about this year, but the key to that job is solving little problems as they come along. Next week I should find out if I'm "officially" the varsity basketball coach at Calumet.
  • Maverik lost another tooth since our last tooth posting!
  • Tuesday night 7pm is the school board meeting for my new coaching job.
  • Jayden bit Mommy on the head too, so now we have a little club going.
  • Maverik and Jaecy have an off week for soccer, no games this weekend.
  • Kari and I are trying to plan ahead so the upcoming basketball season will be a family friendly one!
  • Jaecy still wants pink walls and purple carpeting. :)
  • We are one step closer to taking the Nelson show on the road! (A new home in our future? Maybe!!!)

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