Tuesday, May 13, 2008

What's in a name?

In this family you don't have to be around long before you get nailed with at least one nickname. The reason that I mention this is lately they've been coming fast and furious for the Nelson family.

Maverik, being the oldest youngin', has the most. He's been tattooed (not literally!) with: Super Goo, Mackie, Mav, Mackie-docious, Mackie-licious, and the ever mysterious Lucario! :)

Jaecy is catching up fast: Jae, Baby Girl, Princess Peach, Big Diddle.

Jayden has some work to do: Jay Jay, Wheezy Man, Little Diddle.

As the kids get older they've started in on nicknaming Mom and Dad. I know I've been called Daddy-docious and have somehow been labeled Daddy-Jigglypuff (I think Mav has noticed the everlasting battle with my mid-section). Mommy has been nicknamed Mommy-docious and Grumpy Butt. :)

Not to be left out, Jaecy has nicknamed Shooter "Stinky Dog." I think he and Kari have gotten the short end of the nickname stick. :)


Matt, Jen, and Lizzy Kwiatkowski said...

Adorable...and glad that you started a blog. The Kwiatkowski's really need to get going on the nicknames...:)

Grammy said...

I love this!