Jayden's New Fancy Wheelchair. If you look close his name is stitched on it!

Jayden working with his walker aid.
Jayden's New Fancy Wheelchair. If you look close his name is stitched on it!
Jayden working with his walker aid.
This is the link to Jaecy's classroom at the YMCA. If you look through the pictures you can see her in action!
It's very unusual for the Nelson family to actually look forward to a new season on television, but we've grown fond of the TV shows Friday Night Lights and Heroes. We're up to date with what happened last season and are ready to go!
Jayden Sitting Up Like a Pro (And Doing Something Funny With His Tongue)
Jayden Getting On The School Bus For The First Time!
In other good news, I have almost made it through the first week of school alive and well! The boys are about to kick off their first football game of the season this Friday against Lew Wallace.
We have been to lots of movies this summer, The Dark Knight being the latest. It was a really good movie, one that I'd recommend to anyone. So far we've seen TDK, Hancock, Wall-E, and The Hulk. I have also watched some new DVD movies, I really liked Vantage Point and Definitely, Maybe.
Firework show at the beach
Jaecy, Mommy, Jayden, Daddy, and Mav stop for a picture!
We also splurged a bit and bought the Wii Fit game and board. We've had lots of fun playing with our balance, conditioning, and strength. Jaecy loves the hula hoop game, and Mav loves running real fast so his Wii character trips and falls. To each their own, I guess! :-)
Earlier this week I spent time with long time friend Kevin Scott and helped him move some things out of his house. He is moving in with his mom as she recovers from heart surgery. Kevin and his wife Nycole have sadly filed for divorce. Kevin's dad recently passed away, it's a rough time for all involved. The Nelson family sends their love to Kevin and Nycole as they work through this difficult time.
There is a serious line up of movies in the theatre that I'd like to see here soon. Hancock, The Dark Knight, and WALL-E are just a few movies that I'd like to see. I usually don't go to the movies this much but there are some neat movies out there! The kids loved Kung-Fu Panda!
Mav and I experimented with Mommy's camera to make a quick video.
Okay, let's move forward!
A while back we noticed that we had a quitter in our midst. While brushing Mackie's teeth before bedtime I saw that one of his top front teeth had a little wiggle in it's jiggle (not unlike myself while out on the dance floor). Since that night we knew our little white friend would soon meet its demise. After a prolonged struggle, the fight came to and end last night at Grandma Debbie's house. The story gets a little fuzzy here...either Grandma made Maverik go out and cut the backyard grass with a severely sprained ankle (wait a minute, that was me! Sorry, just a flashback!) or the tooth fell out while Mav was playing downstairs. Either way you choose to remember it, Mav is now one tooth short of a full deck.
General updates:
We have to cut this one short today. I have to leave for work early to go buy gasoline, but first I have to stop by the bank and talk to my loan officer. $4.00 a gallon??? I'm thinking about picking up some roller skates this weekend so I can save some $$$ and still get to work! :)